Swanick Family Practice was established in 2007 by Dr. Keith Swanick and his wife Aislinn.
Having originated in Roscommon, Keith and Aislinn were both familiar with Erris, particularly Keith whose Mum was a native of Ballycroy.
Keith spent many summers there throughout his childhood and even spent a term attending Ballycroy NS.
The Practice was initially located at Belmullet Health Centre, but it became apparent that a custom-built building was necessary to accommodate the advances and progression of Swanick Family Practice.

The purpose-built premises is situated at Church road Belmullet since 2010 and provides a wide range of general medical services as well as specialised services.
Our Team
Dr. Keith Swanick. Keith specialises in Respiratory and Cardiovascular Medicine, Joint Injections and Osteoporosis.
Nursing staff
Our nursing staff at SFP are expertly trained in the delivery of all aspects of primary care medicine.
The group has developed expertise in Women’s Health, Antenatal and Post Natal Care and emergency medicine. Our Practice Nurses are prominent in the delivery of Chronic Disease Management Programme, Well Woman and Well Man medicals, Occupational Health, Travel Medicine and all vaccination programmes. As part of this clinical team, we have a dedicated phlebotomy service led by our Phlebotomist Sheila Lally who has vast experience coming to SFP from UHG, St. James’ & the Galway Clinic.
The goal of this team is to deliver the highest quality standard of patient-centred care to all our patients in a caring and empathetic way.
The Practice is managed by Aislinn Swanick. Aislinn completed a Master’s in Education and Management at Trinity College and a Diploma in Practice Management from the Irish College of General Practitioners. A dedicated, committed and experienced team of administrators Laura Ginnelly, Eileen Doocey and Tracy Fox are key in the day-to-day facilitation of patients in every capacity at SFP.
Our Mission
At Swanick Family Practice, we are committed to the delivery of a high-quality patient-centered service, in a safe, equitable, efficient, and confidential manner.
To ASSIST you in the pursuit of ongoing wellness and optimal health as a viable life goal.
To ENABLE you to assume responsibility for self-care and personal wellness management.
To SUPPORT your endeavors to maintain a state of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual balance.
To PROVIDE you with evidence-based diagnostic and therapeutic support when appropriate.
To FACILITATE your access to supportive resources and specialised services when needed.